Saturday, April 13, 2013

Good day...mostly

So today was a good day for the most part, but PTSD and TBI always seems to figure out a way to insert itself into my life. Got off to a great start with Upwards Soccer. My team tied, which to me is just as good as a win. Besides, my kids had a great time and that's what matters anyway. Got to see my parents since dad coaches the 1st and 2nd graders and mom runs the concession stand. My brother helps me coach, Donna takes pictures and one of my kids is on my team. The other just hangs out and has a good time. Then I came home and took a nap, which was great too. Then my little friend shows up in the form memory issues, whichs sets me down depression lane. Its okay though. I bounced back pretty quickly so all was not ruined. One thing I'm glad about is that I've kept up with my blog. I never stick to it this long so I guess I'm doing something right. Too bad you can't smell my shirt btw, it's Gain fresh. Random, I know.

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