Monday, April 15, 2013

Another day...

Another day has gone by, but this one has actually been pretty decent, besides not being able to sleep for like, ever, last night. Made me tired and a bit of a grouch the first part of the morning but the day got better. Well, except for my daughter being sick. But such is life I guess, as long as she doesn't give it to me again. Then its no fair. Last time she got me sick, I ended up with the flu and they just got sick. Plus, the nurse says Yep, you've got flu strain B, but since you waited this long to come in, we can't do anything for you. But here's something for the family so THEY don't get it. Sheesh. I guess that's what I'm here for. To catch the sickness bullets. So all in all today, Shane 1-PTSD and TBI 0. My kind of day.

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